domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Watch this video and try to do the activities below.

1.- Complete this information about the boy speaking.

Name: ________________________________    Age: _________________________________
City: _________________________________    School name: ___________________________

2.- Complete the timetable for today:

                               Time                     Subject
First lesson      .................................          ....................................
Second lesson  .................................          ...................................
Third lesson      ................................         ..................................

3.- Answer these questions:
    a) What does a lollipop lady do?
    b)  What time does the school start?
    c)  Where do the children have lunch?
    d)  Do all the children eat the canteen meal?
    e)  Which lesson do the children have after lunch time?
    e)  When  do they have the break time?
    f ) What time do they go back home?


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